Physiotherapy for Women and babies
Women’s health is an important part of Physiotherapy. We are able to help you in various stages of your life, from pregnancy to older age. Physiotherapists can give you advice and prescribe exercises whilst you are pregnant, and help you manage [...]
Don’t be a Statistic
Every day many people are admitted to hospital following a fall, and a percentage of those people die from the side effects of the fall. We treat many persons over the age of 50 who have fallen and sustained severe bruising [...]
Physiotherapy can help with the following:
NECK AND BACK PAIN: from injuries, whiplash, poor posture and old problems. We aim to treat the pain, and give you exercises to strengthen your spine, so that you will be less likely to have further episodes of pain. Back care [...]
Our Santa Shoe Boxes are ready for delivery
Our Santa Shoe Boxes are ready for delivery. Thanks to all who contributed towards such a wonderful initiative for those less fortunate than us.
Practice News
At the beginning of June we celebrated 20 years of Service with Amy Opperman, our receptionist. We are grateful for her positive contribution to our practice. We also said fond farewell to Matthews who has so lovingly tended our garden for [...]
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day Delivery!
Amy and Carolyn delivered 27 large knitted and crotched blankets to the ’67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day’ fund. Thank you very much to those patients who contributed to this most worthy cause!
Falls in persons over 55 years old
We will be presenting the talk on “Falls in persons over 55 years old” on Tuesday 16th May at 10h00 and 14h00. The lecture takes about 1 hour with exercises shown afterwards. There is no fee involved, except if you want [...]
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day
We will be handing over all of the blankets knitted by our staff and patients later this month. Thank you to all who have contributed – we have 17 completed blankets. Please watch our Facebook page for photos.
Preventing falls in persons over 50 years
We will be presenting talks on ‘Preventing Falls in persons over 50 years’ in May. Please let Amy know if you are interested in attending. We have seen a number of patients in the 50 year age group for treatment following [...]
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day
Thank you to all of the patients who are assisting us with making blankets for 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day. We have 14 completed blankets which we will be handing in soon. If you have any knitted squares or blankets [...]
Staff Update
We extend a warm welcome to our new physiotherapist Candida Munn. She has been working in a number of private practices in Johannesburg, and brings with her a wealth of experience. Candida will be attending the OMT course this year. Once [...]
Celebrating Amanda’s 20th Anniversary
We are thrilled to celebrate Amanda’s 20th anniversary as a Physiotherapist in our practice. We are privileged to have such a wonderful and competent member in our team!
Preventing falls talk
Thanks to all of those who attended the talk and then participated in “lunges for lunch” for International Physiotherapy day.
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day
We have joined with the Physiotherapy Society in supporting this initiative. We have knitting needles and wool in the practice for patients to knit whilst they are waiting. A couple of patients have already joined the project and completed blankets - [...]
Good luck for the Exams
This time of the year finds many of our patients desk-bound whilst preparing for exams. We wish all of you well as you prepare for and write your exams! Here are some tips to help: In order to maintain a good [...]
Don’t be a statistic –learn how to prevent yourself from falling
Falls can happen anytime and anywhere to people of any age. As people get older the number of falls and severity of injury resulting from falls increases. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in people of age [...]
Female Entrepreneur SA, featuring Carolyn Fenwick Physiotherapists
Carolyn Fenwick Physiotherapists was proudly featured in the online publication The article reads as follows: Carolyn Fenwick started the practice in 1987. We employ four physiotherapists who have extensive post-graudate education to ensure the best evidence-based treatment possible. We are [...]
Thank You
Thank you... for your continued support of our practice for arriving on time for paying your bills for making the practice of our profession so enjoyable We really appreciate our wonderfully loyal patients!
Welcome back Amanda!
We welcome Amanda back to work from maternity leave!
Comrades Marathon
We wish all of our Comrades runners success in the race next week. We will be watching out for you! Please let us know how you fare in the race!
Congratulations Amanda!
We are thrilled to inform you that Amanda gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Monday morning. Her name is Georgia-Rose Cross and she weighed 3.06kg. Mom and baby are well and healthy. Congratulations to Ken and Amanda!
Exercise is Medicine
As summer approaches, we all feel the need to become more active and healthy. Our practice is accredited by “Exercise is Medicine” South Africa. We are all equipped to give you advice on the best type and amount of exercise for [...]
We are Accredited by the South African Society of Physiotherapy
We are thrilled to inform you that Carolyn Fenwick Physiotherapists has been accredited by the South African Society of Physiotherapy. We are the 5th practice in the country to meet the standards. The practice standards that were measured include: 1. Management [...]
Staff Update
We are thrilled to let you know that Kristy Devine joined our team at the beginning of the month! As a bright young physiotherapist Kristy shares her passion for sport and is currently doing a post-graduate year-long course specialising in Sports [...]
Our Staff Moving Forward
In 2014 Carolyn, Amanda and Jana once again lectured on the post-graduate Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy course. Nicole attended the course and passed her clinical exams with distinction.